
Results 14 issues of 虫子樱桃

I set Env CGO_ENABLED=1 use `gos cross xxxx.go linux` but not working


for current version kratos display error ```json { "code": 400, "reason": "CODEC", "message": "unregister Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------187292697950545999179746", "metadata": {} } ``` as discussed before,https://github.com/go-kratos/kratos/issues/2198 it is not nessary to define...


with this feature,we can use kratos gateway directly after finished dev


when define a jwt payload,and its key in > The JWT specification defines seven reserved claims that are not required, but are recommended to allow interoperability with [third-party applications](https://auth0.com/docs/get-started/applications/confidential-and-public-applications/enable-third-party-applications). These...

details ``` internal\handler\v1\userlocaleupdatehandler.go:6:2: other declaration of httpx internal\handler\v1\userlocaleupdatehandler.go:11:2: imported and not used: "github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/rest/httpx" ``` goctl version 1.3.9 windows/amd64

server :Golang running on a tls binding with a server cert file and a server cert key file client: how to connect to the server using client cert file and...

**Context** is it possible to add custom header for all output markdown files.in this case we can export all evernotes to markdown files which can be hosted on the hugo...
