
Results 8 comments of czh6888

Today,I put a image of background #BFBFBF into DarkBoot. The same result happen again.It cannot match gray background (more drak). But in BootXChanger, It can match the background.

"很奇特的发现除了GOOGLE,TWITTER,YOUTUBE等网站不能打开以外,其他的被墙的网站基本上可以打开,还有个别打不开的网站会有如下提示" **只能更改配置文件的规则试试** 更换了核心文件后会出现 "进入clash控制面板后,设置里面的代理模式不能点击切换" 该问题,具体原因未知

可以试试这个 暂时可用 等SukkaW大神更新

$ git clone 这一步之后替换 /Koolshare-Clash/koolclash/bin/ 文件夹下的 clash-linux-amd64,根据需要也可以替换yq_linux_amd64 $ cd Koolshare-Clash $ ./build pack # Build the package 可能由于系统版本不同 要换多几个核心测试 @jiaright

clash-linux-amd64 地址

framebuffer-stolenmem + framebuffer-fbmem + framebuffer-cursormem(Haswell Only)should less than DVMT. If framebuffer-stolenmem + framebuffer-fbmem less than 64MB in HD5500 , Macos cannot recognize 4K 3840x2160. It only can recognize 2560x1440. Now...

Some spankbang Playlist like "xxx/playlist/a+b" get WARNING unable to extract playlist title and cannot download. For Example, "" this link has 143 video but yt-dlp got 0 and unable to...

It seems like that yt-dlp cannot get the playlist title which name include file separator like ”XXX / YYY“. such as the playlist title of link above is "gc /...