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Radicle plugin for Jetbrains IDEs
GitHub Metadata | Number | Created On | Created By | Assignees | |:------------------------------------------------------------:|:---------------------------:|:--------------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------:| | [#5 ](https://github.com/gsaslis/radicle-ci-broker/issues/5) | Jun 08, 2023 08\:33\:48 UTC | [gsaslis ](https://github.com/gsaslis) | [Archimidis ](https://github.com/Archimidis) |...
Currently the plugin allows you to press the + button and it shows the following broken ui. The top part is missing and the user can still submit the form...
In the timeline, I can see comments from all revisions. But when reviewing the diff, I can't see comments from non-latest revision. This has the problem that when adding a...
In Git(Lab|Hub), users can start multiple separate discussions on a MR/PR and each of those discussions has a "Resolved?" status. This can be used to track how the review process...
Under certain circumstances the RTW disappears. One such case I had that was when attempting to clone a new repo from within a project using Git -> Radicle -> Clone,...
When in the welcome screen, attempting to get a repo from VCS using radicle will fail if the rad cli path and home are not set. However, the message that...
When selecting to merge a patch, there is no check currently if the current user is a delegate of the project or not. If the current user is not a...
Steps: 1. create new branch from main 2. make some changes 3. create a new patch Now the local branch does not have any remote branch tracked, though there exists...
When a user clicks on merge, there's a lot of time waiting (due to syncing the refs), but there's no feedback to the user of what's going on. This should...