
Results 30 comments of cytec

Thanks for the reply :) Im mainly interested in `public function getArchiveFileList($recurse=true, $all=false, $source=null)` to see what's inside the archive. already found the `extractFiles` option, but if i get that...

don't think so... see:

pushed an update, should i create a new pull request?

@packetcollision k thx for the info, ill guess ive just whait for @Eichhoernchen to review it ;)

like i said, i already run it in screen... just wanted to ask if u have plans to implement a daemon in the future ;)

ok i played around a little bit, seems like ive got it working... this is what i got so far: if no logfile is given "SiriServer.log" is taken by...

@Brideau im not really sure how to do this in node but i think something like this should do it? in config.js `config.EXCLUDE = [10,13,16,19,21,41]` in app.js `if (config.EXCLUDE.indexOf(m.pokemon_id) !=...

just install it via git repo: `bower install git://` see

well... seems like its working to me

@kevinlekiller nevermind then... seems like i just didn't saw it here: