
Results 10 issues of cyrstem

hi, is there a way to import a .obj and use it as the cubes your using in the examples ?

Hey is it there a specific reason why the example : works on the iphone but not on ipad ?


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **System info** Please include : - Manjaro - GNOME - GDM - RAZER BLADE 2018 - The...

can someone point out how to use ofxImGuiLoggerChannel.h or get the ofLog(); in ofxImGui to work ?

hey nice app i was trying to build it. but i get errors is there a way to fix this? ``` /Users/jacos/Cinder/blocks/AppPaths/src/Paths.cpp:231:36: Use of undeclared identifier 'PRESETS_PATH' /Users/jacos/Cinder/blocks/AppPaths/src/Paths.cpp:236:73: Use of...

im trying to install on a xcode 9 error: /Applications/ can't open file: libLLVMX86Utils.a (No such file or directory)

hey so i got this issue when trying to compile ofxhttp example advance client get ` /home/jacos/OF11/addons/ofxPoco/libs/poco/lib/linux64/libPocoCrypto.a(DigestEngine.o):DigestEngine.cpp:function Poco::Crypto::DigestEngine::~DigestEngine(): error: undefined reference to 'EVP_MD_CTX_destroy' /home/jacos/OF11/addons/ofxPoco/libs/poco/lib/linux64/libPocoCrypto.a(DigestEngine.o):DigestEngine.cpp:function Poco::Crypto::DigestEngine::reset(): error: undefined reference to 'EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup'...

hi i try to compile today in linux, but i get this at the end of the make command im i missing something ? ``` [100%] Linking CXX executable Dot...

hey is there a Linux vs or have anyone try to build this on linux ?

Check dependencies error: There is no SDK with the name or path '/Volumes/GhOsT/Creative Coding/OF/of_v0.9.0_osx_release/apps/myApps/example/macosx10.8'