Added ExtendsClass, an online REST client.
Hello, I added ExtendsClass (I am the founder) to Generic utilities. It provides online tools such as data generator (JSON, CSV, SQL), Converters (XML, JSON, CSV), Decoders (base64, URL), testers...
Hello, I added Extendsclass (I am the founder) to "Regular expressions and algorithms". It is a regex tester and visualizer.
Hello, I added extendsclass, a visual regex tester (I am the founder).
Hello, I add extendsclass (I am the founder), it provides an online CSV comparator (And also other csv tools; csv to json, csv to excel, csv editor).
Added extendsclass, a JSON Schema generator in section "JSON Schema Tools"
Hello, I added extendsclass (I am the founder) to Generators. It is a data generator (CSV/SQL/JSON).
Added an online visual regex tester ( in "Visual Tools".
Hello, I added (I am the founder), an online JSON generator to Generators.