Cyril K
Cyril K
Hi ! Same problem here with October v3. Here my solution in `components/productsfilter/scripts.htm` ``` if( typeof response.responseJSON !== 'undefined') { if (response.responseJSON.hasOwnProperty('queryString')) { history.replaceState(null, '', '?' + response.responseJSON.queryString) } }...
There is a minimum amount to make a transaction (for example for Stripe it is $0.5 US). In the logic of a free transaction, the payment gateway must be forced...
Thanks for your reply Tobias. I preferred to downgrade Rainlab Plugin to 1.9 ; I tested a bit the compatibility, and I noticed some strange behaviors (which I will try...
Same error with a fresh OcotberCMS (3.51) installation
I have just installed a very very fresh oc install and everything works perfectly ( and again thank you for your work ) ! Laravel Framework: 9.52.16
I have the same problem with the Wishlist Component and I have. created a patch [here](