Yeah, I don't have an issue with the output as I have a bbcode => html parser that spits out correct code, just found it weird the editor uses such...
Thanks for the info @samclarke. Not a huge issue since it doesn't affect the code that is eventually generated for display on the page, just was a bit weird seeing...
It appears this project is abandoned, as I am looking at this project myself at the website and also noticed the broken licenses, but seeing you report it here I...
I would love to know if the discussion of this has advanced any further as well.
Haven't tried this yet, but pretty sure this: `$brother.insertAfter($button);` Should be: `$brother.after($button);` There is an `insertAfter` but it seems by your code you need the `after` version :) Also, the...
No, I meant I haven't tried the version you posted yet; just made my observations :)
@muhammadcahya I think that would only be useful if you were using jQuery to submit the form in the first place; on regular submissions it wouldn't do anything since you...
Same. I wanted to save some sessions that were autosaved as a user saved session, but I couldn't see anyway to do that, so I exported them instead. Then I...
Thanks for the idea. :)
Nope, still not working for me after changing ID. Unless the dates in the file are affecting where it shows up in the session list after importing it?