
Results 4 issues of cyperbg

So I tried adding a 2nd destination drive by changing to max_plots: 1 for the current jobs and then creating new jobs. This didn't work as it told me I...

Are these commands that needs executing in terminal? Can I please have some guidance on how to enable the logs. `# use 'chia keys show' to get this keys: export...

For some reason Chia Plot Status shows times in the future. I am plotting with madMAx43v3r/chia-plotter and using this command for logs: 2>&1 | tee /home/$(whoami)/.chia/mainnet/plotter/chia-plotter-$(uuid).log; Any idea why?


What it says in the title. I just get a dialog saying the plugin is not compatible. Anyway I can make this work?

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