
Results 5 issues of cyclingcat

Hi there, this one looks like a bug that must have been introduced many versions ago, but since the introduction of quests for longer OSM ways in v35.0 its impact...


Hi there, first of all thank you for this excellent Leaflet plugin. Exactly what I need for visualising my Garmin GPX tracks on a OSM-based map and straightforward to use....

Hi there, following [this discussion]( I'd like to propose a command line option that indicates the character set and/or encoding when opening a file, e.g.: `notepad++ [filepath[#encoding]]` Example: `notepad++ c:\mylogfiles\robocopy.log#OEM850`...

command line

My humble contribution to this great tool.

Hi there, beginning with v46.0 released some days ago the OSM surveyor app [StreetComplete]( shows [quests for campsite-related information]( (toilets, showers, drinking water, power supply and, most important: "Who may...