Yea that’s your issue, you need a ground 232 requires a common ground for it to work Regards > On 09 Jul 2019, at 19:48, Flopescu wrote: > > Hello!...
Also this may be under correction but I think the D is the dev build, the topic is defined in code, so can be changed close to the top. You...
I also found the market flooded with a cheaper d1 clone, the chip is “ok” but the regulator seems to be unstable causing loads of unforeseen issues.
For now you should be able to just common the ground between the esp grnd pin and the panel grnd, provided the PSU is semi decent it shouldn’t cause harm.
The resistors should not be the issue, The esp is slightly 5V tolerant, I don’t run resistors, but RS232 requires 3 pins to work, TX,RX,GRND otherwise you are in for...
If all else fails don’t connect the RX pin on the panel from the wemos TX pin, just use RX and power cycle everything, when the 150 logs in the...
Also just wanted to send a special shout out to paradox for their new firmware, it’s waisted hours of my life. It’s not everyday that you can do a firmware...
I also wanted to point out that there is code laying around to read data from the keypad bus or the keypad program port to MQTT, their protocol was clock...
Subscribe to your MQTT server topic with a # Eg. paradox/# Then look at the messages the HA integration is documented somewhere
It’s all documented in the wiki