
Results 10 comments of cyberblast

hmm not sure why it is using such large fonts in the end. sorry it's unintentional...

It seems to only happen with dotnet/nuget projects. Our frontend/npm repos run fine. I temporarily set dependabot task to run 1.24 image for now to have everything fully functional again....

Not sure, but according to [this]( MS article, the problem could be that for v3 nuget protocol at Azure DevOps Artifact Feed it is not sufficient to assemble a nuget.config...

Or we add the nuget plugin to the image and provide it the PAT via env variable as described [here](

Not sure if I can manage to do that. - I'm not really familiar with the code and have no idea about ruby. I was only browsing the code, trying...

I found some piece of dockerfile code which our developers are usually using to create images for our own apps. Maybe this could help somebody when looking into the issue......

Hi, I tested `dockerImageTag: '1.25.2-pullrequest0927-0005'`. Not running well. 1. "Parsing dependencies information" takes 5 minutes alone. Under 1.24 the whole dependabot process takes 32s for the same repo. 2. Also...

I gave it a quick shot but seems to behave the same as before :(

Hey. I gave it a try (1.26.1-pullrequest0927-0038) but get some errors... ``` running NuGet updater: /opt/nuget/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Cli update --repo-root /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/tmp//_git/ --solution-or-project /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/tmp//_git//tests//.csproj --dependency --new-version 4.2.0 --previous-version 3.4.0 --verbose No dotnet-tools.json files...

Hi, seems the repo is dead. I created a fork and applied a proposed PR (#111) [here]( It's published to npm under [@cyberblast/react-wordcloud]( So you could use it with `npm...