Mathias Fuchs
Mathias Fuchs
That makes sense but needs some reworking. I think the best way to go is to allow the user to edit the options available in these dropdowns. I'll come up...
That's probably when the program saves the tables back into the file every 60 seconds. I see if I can gat that fixed.
Interesting idea. So generally the tabs can be filtered by time which sort of makes the time based extra tab obsolete. I'll try to implement the New/Hot option though. I...
Can you share the datafile and which version you use?
Thanks now I can see it. Dates need to be in ISO format. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Cheers
The parameters in settings.js only affect the UI components at this point. The logic that draws the timeline expects it to be ISO. I'll open that again as a feature...
Thank you for the input. I'll look into it but not sure if that will ever come for this version of the software.
should be possible. i'll look into it and put it on the roadmap.
I'll check, should be ISO though.
Not sure really as in our normal cases we would import the systems from our edr once and then usually never touch it again. That's why it is at the...