> > 有解决办法吗?我现在也是cuda11,pytorch1.7.1。无法运行! > > 我在3080上复现了,可以参考一下 I have reappearanced the code on device 3080, the block blog maybe help you. but some errors still occur, g++: error: /home/data/cxy/PointRCNN-master/pointnet2_lib/pointnet2/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.6/src/pointnet2_api.o: no...
When will the details be available? I cannot find the readme. Thank you.
I have the same problem.
Run yolox first,and then get the coordinate of the bbox. And you should transfer it to kitti format. Change the file d2_detection_data with the new comment.
> 我在这个 repo 中关注了 README,但是当我尝试训练模型时,它报告了如下错误: > > ```shell > FileNotFoundError:[Errno 2] 没有这样的文件或目录:' data/RobotCar/object/radar/1547122542212635.jpg ' > ``` > > 此外,当我转而评估模型时,它报告了如下错误: > > ```shell > AssertionError: Checkpoint ./output/mvdnet/model_final.pth not found ! >...
Each time the error occurs, the wrong file is not the same.