Update "COPY '--from' Without FROM Alias Defined Previously" query for Docker, allow external images
Hello Lergin, thank you for being so attentive! I have refactored the query in question in this [PR](, thank you for your time!
Hello @leandroyou, thank you for noticing that! You are correct, the problem here is that currently we do not support the for_each syntax, which gives you that false positive. We...
@leandroyou thank you for being so attentive!
Hello @noelmcgrath , thank you for noticing that! You are correct, the problem here is that currently we do not support the for_each syntax, which gives you that false positive....
Hello @Lergin, thank you very much for raising this issue! This query is a tough one. We would have 2 options: 1 - A way to go around this would...
Hello Lergin, thank you once again for being so attentive! I have refactored the query in question in this [PR](, thank you for your time!