Thomas Chen

Results 7 issues of Thomas Chen

Im using jdk10.0.2. When i run vjtop, i get this: /lib/tools.jar doesn't exist any other way i can use vjtop for java 9+?

i know -keepparameternames , but it is global i want to only keep in a few class

in this tool, all libs will be out of thin jar. but my project has two module, and ont depend on another. like multi of samples, application depend on library....

- [ ] I have searched the [issues]( of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. ### Environment * Dubbo version: 3.0.12 * Operating System version: windows10...


等比例缩放 t300x300 这种模式, 会从宽和高两个方向去限制, 可否指限制宽?

登陆接口返回值我顺便贴出来 {"errors":[{"message":"500: Internal Server Error","locations":[{"line":3,"column":11}],"path":["login"],"extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","response":{"url":"","status":500,"statusText":"Internal Server Error","body":{"code":500,"message":"Topology was destroyed"}},"exception":{"stacktrace":["Error: 500: Internal Server Error"," at UserAPI. (/var/www/gqlDemo/node_modules/apollo-datasource-rest/dist/RESTDataSource.js:79:25)"," at ()"," at /var/www/gqlDemo/node_modules/apollo-datasource-rest/dist/RESTDataSource.js:7:71"," at new Promise ()"," at __awaiter (/var/www/gqlDemo/node_modules/apollo-datasource-rest/dist/RESTDataSource.js:3:12)"," at UserAPI.errorFromResponse...

直接在UserApplicationService的相关查询方法里,默认直接调用缓存的方法,会不会好一点? UserApplicationService里的查询方法是没缓存的,想要走缓存要通过CacheCenter 这样子很容易误调用了没缓存的查询方法