
Results 3 issues of cwpeng

I noticed that many papers mentioned that the accuracy of image-based training is lower than that based on time series average pooling. ![image]( But I found that in your project,...

您好,我使用了您提供的basenet.pth,运行test之后能够在DUT-TE上得到与论文一致的精度。 之后我尝试在train中把basenet.pth直接load进来,进行finetune。训练数据集仍然为DUT-TR,代码无改动。 但非常奇怪的是,发现初使的loss非常高,如下所示,这是否不合理?因为这个trainl oss明显还能进一步下降,远远没有拟合训练集。按论文描述,迭代400k步后,那loss应该很小。请问我有弄错什么吗? [epoch: 1/100000, batch: 32/10553, ite: 4] train loss: 8.034277, tar: 0.670928 l0: 0.826161, l1: 0.863950, l2: 0.952028, l3: 0.988486, l4: 1.222528, l5: 1.460253, l6: 1.663608

Here are three functions related to data augmentation,include pose_processing,j2d_processing and j3d_processing. [Code Link ]( When doing rotation augmentation on 2d joint data (j2d_processing), the rotation is around the center of...