
Results 12 issues of cwiese

I am not finding a method to load a JLD from IOBuffer. This seems basic for saving and loading to cloud like S3 or Azure Blob storage (which is my...


Is it possible to write a cell.formula?

How do I set -r flag using EDI-JSON? I can not find com.berryworks.edireader.json.fromedi.EdiToJson; in order to modify it to support skipping over SE count errors. Thanks !!

Currently - putBlob will error for large files (5G or more) with HTTP 413 "Entity too Large" .. in order to chunk smaller block we need to implement Put Block...

Circular dependency is so common - this is one example ....StackOverflowError I wish there was a way to declare "do not nest type" - but to use a ID field...

I have a Dict in the model (that can change) ``` Stipple.@kwdef mutable struct Model 310.0, "n_segs" => "10", "l_tube" => 10.0, "T_ambient_res" => "Ambient Temperature is 100.0K") end ```...

using latest StipplePlotly v0.13.0 - PlotlyBaseEvents.jl is not working [c7e460c6] ArgParse v1.1.4 [336ed68f] CSV v0.10.4 [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.3.4 [1313f7d8] DataFramesMeta v0.12.0 [0c46a032] DifferentialEquations v7.2.0 [c43c736e] Genie v5.1.0 [caafb194] Kaleido v0.2.7...

Click event, for example, is not being captured when the plot is not visible when the js_mounted hook is ran. in both cases (when I am using tabs or not)...


Layout should allow for shapes. I do not see that in PlotLayout. I did not want to switch back to PlotlyBase since I am using the event forwarding.

I am trying to use a relatively new feature "Legend.groupclick" in plotlyjs. How can I tell what version of plotly2.min.js code has included in this repo?
