Caleb White
Caleb White
@Fetchered you might look into using virtualenv to minimize such headaches. It's fairly simple to set one up, and with a bit of tooling* you'll never again have to wonder...
As a laptop user, I would like to have both options if possible.
@vibou Please merge this request. It's a simple spelling correction.
Having followed this extension and its forks for a few months now, and especially in the absence of input from @vibou, I would definitely support you in your efforts, @scherepanov....
Looks like the pull was merged here:
I also have this problem. It seems like the EFF may have deprecated certbot-auto but I haven't found anything definitive yet.
I recently switched from using just i3-gaps on Arch to Regolith on Pop_OS! and this is now a problem for me. On my Arch build it always remembered my monitor...
I had this problem with similar gsd-color errors in syslog, but after killing the gsd-color process with `kill -4 ` I was able to turn on the night light. Edit:...
I tried monitoring dconf, but the `/org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings` path doesn't seem to exist on my system and monitoring the `/org/gnome/desktop/wm/` path showed no output when restarting i3 to fix the failed...