Results 36 comments of cwbhhjl

这个错误是p2p的错误,有一些节点连不上了,只要节点还在同步的话,就可以暂时忽略 rpc 的话你的metamask在同一台机器吗,默认是 localhost的,如果是另外的机器需要你通过 `--rest.laddr tcp://`来指定下 ip,另外可以先通过 curl 在本地测试一下,比方说 ``` curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8545/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}' ``` 看看有结果没

输入 `exchaind help start` ,在靠近最后的部分,有几个 ws 的选项的说明,其中 --wsport 可以指定 ws 端口,默认在 8546 端口应该开了的 mempool 也支持 http rpc

mempool 默认就是开着的,你可以朝自己节点发交易然后日志里也会打印 mempool 里 tx 的数量

可能你 GOPATH 下的bin目录不在 PATH 里?

```bash docker run -d --name exchain-mainnet-fullnode -v ~/.exchaind:/root/.exchaind -p 8545:8545 -p 26656:26656 okexchain/fullnode-mainnet:latest ``` make sure you have `config` and `data` directories in your `exchaind` directory

try running this ```bash exchaind repair-state --start-height=12987924 --home ```

Sorry I don't know much about oklink, you can get support via their telegram, discard or twitter: * * *

I'm not very familiar with Subgraph, can you provide the real rpc call data? If you call rpc through curl or other tools, will it also report an error?

@neoromantique Can you redo the deployment following this thread? If there is an error in the deployment please tell me which step went wrong and what is the specific error...

@neoromantique try this 0. `mkdir ~/okc` 1. `cd ~/okc` 2. `curl -O` 3. `tar zxvf mainnet-s0-20221018-14723313-rocksdb.tar.gz` 4. `docker run -d --name exchain-mainnet-fullnode -v ~/okc/data:/root/.exchaind/data/ -p 8545:8545 -p 26656:26656 okexchain/fullnode-mainnet:latest`