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Get the `ServerError(-32000)` error during scan block in Subgraph
Summary of Bug
1. Describe
Sep 19 07:25:48.620 WARN Trying again after eth_call RPC call failed (attempt #10) with result Err(Web3Error(Rpc(Error { code: ServerError(-32000), message: "internal", data: None }))), runtime_host: 1/1, block_hash: 0x095d39007a291510a0538462b95148b4bd57d3833f5ce2907b698a40fa2724a3, block_number: 13857709, subgraph_id: Qmb...Hkzc, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
Sep 19 07:25:48.622 ERRO Subgraph instance failed to run: Ethereum node returned an error when calling function "getPair" of contract "Factory": RPC error: Error { code: ServerError(-32000), message: "internal", data: None }
2. Impact
The graph-node
hangs up due to this error.
3. Recover
Restart the graph-node
service but it will need some luck to get it back to work.
Expected Result
No error
Official RPC: https://exchainrpc.okex.org
I'm not very familiar with Subgraph, can you provide the real rpc call data? If you call rpc through curl or other tools, will it also report an error?