Christian Walther
Christian Walther
Here come the filesystems: littlefs and POSIX. Littlefs complicates things a bit, for two reasons: - Unlike all previous .c files in _lib/_ (_crypto-algorithms/*.c_ for modhashlib, _re1.5/*.c_ for modre, _uzlib/*.c_...
Rebased on #14344 which fixes an issue I ran into with the Playdate project. [Things are looking pretty good on the Playdate front](, the _embedding-full_ example code from here (minus...
I just happened on this with node_mdns 2.5.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 with its default **/etc/nsswitch.conf** saying ``` hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname ``` Replacing that by ``` hosts: files...
> * Posts and replies (“posts and replies” URL + `.rss`) Wow, thanks for mentioning that, I didn’t know that! That’s already a step up! (But yes, boosts would be...
Sounds great, my own attempts at improving this have long stalled (I was trying to keep it backward compatible). I would be a bit unhappy to lose the ability to...
> I haven't personally played with `aiorepl`, but I think that this might be the safer way to transfer files "in the background" (and would also work via usb/uart). Good...
It continues to hold up well in the Playdate project, except for one annoyance: When `make -f` was re-run, e.g. after modifying a frozen module, all .c and .h...
Yes please – having it as a dependency, in addition to installing a lot of unneeded stuff, now causes warnings like this when installing on node 8, even though npm-cli-login...