Jan Christopher Vogt

Results 123 issues of Jan Christopher Vogt

``` [error] could not find implicit value for parameter helper: play.api.libs.json.Reads[SomeClassForWhichThereIsNotFormatter] [error] TRIGGERED BY [error] could not find implicit value for parameter helper: org.cvogt.play.json.OptionValidationDispatcher[SomeClassForWhichThereIsNotFormatter] [error] TO SOLVE THIS [error] import...


if writers are running a newer version of a schema than readers, and writers add additional cases to a sealed structure,then readers can fail because of unexpected cases. Here is...

a simple example are case classes with all optional fields... anything can deserialize to them given play-jsons strategy to ignore additional fields

needs these imports, but doesn't say so: import SingletonEncoder.simpleName // required for formatSingleton import org.cvogt.play.json.implicits.formatSingleton // required if trait has object children