
Results 5 issues of cvlvxi

Hi there, I'm trying to compare two vcfs and getting the following.. ``` [W] overlapping records at chr1:26686335 for sample 0 [W] Variants that overlap on the reference allele: 247...

I would like to use a v-for with the chartist tag. If I populate a list of {series:[], labels:[]} it would be good if we could give the items of...

Hey there, I'm noticing when using make-gnotate with multiple gnomad vcf.gz files which you described as such: ``` slivar make-gnotate --prefix gnomad-2.1 \ --field controls_nhomalt:gnomad_nhomalt \ --field popmax_AF:gnomad_popmax_af \ gnomad.exomes.r2.1.sites.vcf.bgz...

The example in the dotnet /CanvasDIR/Canvas.dll SmallPedigree-WGS --bam=/basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/bams/Files/father.bam --bam=/basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/bams/Files/mother.bam --bam=/basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/bams/Files/child1.bam --mother=mother --father=father --proband=child1 -r /basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/canvasdata/Files/kmer.fa -g /basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/canvasdata/Files/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta --sample-b-allele-vcf /basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/snvvcf/Files/Pedigree.vcf.gz -f /basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/canvasdata/Files/filter13.bed -o /tmp/gHapMixDemo --ploidy-vcf="/basespace/Projects/canvas/AppResults/snvvcf/Files/MultiSamplePloidy.vcf" Seems out of date from...

Running python 3.7 in virtualenv fyrd 0.6.2b1 ``` Is there a default queue you wish to submit to if no other options are given? If so enter the name below,...