Hi sydro I'd be happy to give this great feature a try on my windows 10 workstation. Can you provide the ansible-vault.bat file ? It seems to be missing at...
Thank you so much Kyle I'm seeing mixed results, but I may have a bit of an edge case... File Open with auto-decrypt enabled (with pw in /home/ubuntu/pass.txt on WSL)...
Just FYI. I experimented with "client_tcp.writeln" abd "client_tcp.write" (as described here: and I can confirm I see the same issues. For a stable solution, I also need to add...
we are a few months later any info on this @narula0781, @ashishonce, @romil07 ?
It is my understanding that to allow a pipeline to deploy an image to an AKS cluster, it requires a ServiceConnection of type "kubernetes" It is my understanding that such...
yes, same here, after upgrade to Hassio 0.103.0 2019-12-15 20:03:37 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for var: Unable to import component arch | armv7l dev | false docker | true...
thank you @OzNetNerd, I tried it in Azure Pipelines, but is seems that that variable has no content, regardless of the scanresults chris
@Halo3fanz thank you for your amazing work on drawing the schematic @tiltec I also wanted to extend the duration time that the lamp remained on. I was more lucky, it...
Update: Disconnecting pin4 from the pcb and connecting it via 10K ohm to pin 8 makes it retriggerable I have the impression that this works so much better... no need...
Update: the modified lamp has now been working for a couple of weeks. It is in a dark room and has to light up multiple times per day. It nicely...