I don't think localization can be done by simply replace words with it's meaning. It should be change more than that.
> > I don't think localization can be done by simply replace words with it's meaning. It should be change more than that. > > absolutely, therefore I am seeking...
According to the comments in PR #3035 , I think we should slow our steps down a little bit to see how the community prefer to handle these localization files....
> > According to the comments in PR #3035 , I think we should slow our steps down a little bit to see how the community prefer to handle these...
我个人有类似的经历,第一次sign的Android id直接抓备用机 (常用机iOS) 的Android id, 秒冻 (备用机手Q登着同Bot账户); 之后是抓了台很久没用过的CC9 Pro,到现在一直没事,怀疑是Android ID的问题 (可能一个Android id同时出现了两台不同设备的sign触发风控了?)