
Results 10 issues of cv0cv0

Plugin Error: GsonFormat threw an uncaught RuntimeException. Disable Plugin

addChildClickViewIds方法也没有。 问题已解决,在 convert 里用 helper.addOnClickListener() 添加 child 的 id 。

### Is this a bug report? (write your answer here) ### Have you read the [Contributing Guidelines]( (Write your answer here.) ### Environment (Please include the following information along with...

不是写的挺好的吗? 最后更新时间竟然是2019年,简直不敢相信。

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String' on a null object reference at top.zibin.luban.Luban.getImageCacheFile( at top.zibin.luban.Luban.compress( at top.zibin.luban.Luban.access$700( at top.zibin.luban.Luban$ at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

不能记住 api_token 和 apk 路径。 网页也有问题,图片都不显示了。

### Feature Description macOS上的Xnip可以在窗口外面加一层阴影,看起来更自然,Windows的截图软件都是贴着窗口边缘截,太丑了。

Even if there are now connected devices connectedDevices returns still empty, using device.connect to connect to the device even if the connection fails connectedDevices will still be added to the...

```dart filesize(dynamic size, [int round = 2]) { int _size; try { _size = int.parse(size.toString()); } catch (e) { throw ArgumentError('Can not parse the size parameter: $e'); } } ```