Doug cumbie
Doug cumbie
The only other device I've tested with was a Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android 5.0, and I did not see this problem. Not really enough testing to conclude yet, but...
Here is a stack trace of the error when deleting a folder: ``` java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 83070912 byte allocation with 16773096 free bytes and 58MB until OOM at...
Oh no, sorry I should have been more clear on that. My drive can get corrupt after a delete() even without this error. Sometimes I get this error after deleting....
Yes it gets corrupted after the crash. There are no write operations before or after with the test that I'm doing. My test simply calls delete() on the root drive...
Let me know if this works for you to test. I didn't get any images cause I think this way makes more sense. I added a method to your UsbFileman...
I think your format routine results are similar my steps in Windows, so that should be fine to get the drive "clean". You could also use the Disk Utility app...
Here's an image of a corrupt 16GB USB drive. I zipped it down to a ~60MB file. Here's a link to it on my dropbox: Let me know if...
When I write the image to a drive, I can't mount it on my Mac or Windows. And it's not recognized by my app. But I have not seen that...
Not a problem. Yes I used the PassMark app to image, it was just something I googled, so not a problem to recreate one with dd. I did so at...