Cullinan Promotions
Cullinan Promotions
> Is no one else having this problem? Yes I have the same issue that started 2 days ago when updating the Nuxt UI version from 2.15.2 to 2.16.0. The...
> Your reproduction has `npm` and `pnpm` mixed. According to your issue you are using `pnpm` and this might have something to do with your `node_modules`. Try deleting` package-lock.json` and...
> > Can I close this @tobychidi ? > > Not yet. I found that the issue is related with another module @vue-email/nuxt once installed. I have updated the reproduction...
> I found a workaround for that. You need to change order of nuxt modules, and move Vue-email/nuxt before Nuxt/ui. It fixes this issue for me. I have tried your...