Hi, I'm getting occasional crash reports from the cacheKey method in FXImageView... Anyone has an idea how to resolve?? See crash report below.. 1 libsystem_platform.dylib _OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier + 14 2 libobjc.A.dylib...
Hi, OHActionSheet crashes on iOS8 beta 1 when trying to present an action sheet with the showInView method on an iPad. Here's the crash log: **\* Terminating app due to...
Is there currently a possibility to display a picker view, animating below the cell, which lists custom values. I.e. similar as the IASKDatePickerSpecifier but then without dates but with other...
Hi there, would it be possible to compile the TypeScript files into a single js file (e.g. helium-js-min.js) for convenient inclusion into html directly? Thanks!
Hi, Hope someone can help me with the issue below. Both with the REST API, as well as helium-js, I'm getting empty responses to the following call:,payment_v2 However, from...