
Results 2 issues of cxs

**Describe the bug** 1 jvm frequently full gc 2 dump the heap, is the biggest object, on the setCache of org.rarefiedredis.redis.RedisMock, many HashNode, key like test.WORKFLOW_TO_TASKS.WorkflowInstanceId, value is empty...

### 问题描述 java chassis客户端访问服务器(以本地注册发现服务的方式),偶现490错误,报错Caused by: io.vertx.core.VertxException: Connection was closed 2022-06-20 08:04:40.081|[xxx]|transport-vert.x-eventloop-thread-0|ERROR||invoke failed, operation xxx, trace id xx org.apache.servicecomb.swagger.invocation.exception.InvocationException: InvocationException: code=490;msg=CommonExceptionData [message=Unexpected consumer error, please check logs for details] ### 定位过程...

good first issue