Seongjae Choi

Results 11 issues of Seongjae Choi

![Screenshot from 2019-03-29 11-25-28](




This occurs when the window is narrow horizontally. ![uibroke](


In src/routers/transactions.ts and src/routers/validator.ts, addressFilter can be truthy even if address is falsy. The addressFilter field should be restricted by the address field.

The error message following occurs when I request transaction ("/tx") quickly several times. { SequelizeForeignKeyConstraintError: update or delete on table "AssetSchemes" violates foreign key constraint "AssetTransferInputs_assetType_fkey" on table "AssetTransferInputs" at...

I temporarily removed that feature in fd0d34ce3f5b9d9cf1712b7d44188d2cf11f99dd to fix bug. For more information about the bug, please check this [link](

In [README](, the commands for installing dependencies are only for macOS currently. Please add commands for linux. such as `sudo apt-get install postgresql-11` `/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main -l logfile start` `sudo...

Unlike [codechain-primitives-js](, keystore readme lacks installing package, API functions and how to test(`yarn test`).

Assuming `tc` as default `networkID` is not problem. But in the first example code of [codechain sdk document](, `networkID` is not specified while constructing SDK object. This might cause confusion...