A simple repo containing a list of known e-mail to SMS, MMS, and Rich Messaging carrier gateways in JSON format under a MIT or LGPL license.
Do you need a PHP login system that rocks? Then install this SSO server. It's an awesome, scalable, secure, flexible PHP login system for the modern era.
Create lightweight, installable applications written in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP for the Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop operating systems.
A complete, robust command-line utility to construct highly customized calls to the CreateProcess() Windows API. Released under a MIT or LGPL license.
A zero dependencies, customizable, pure Javascript widget for navigating, managing, uploading, and downloading files and folders or other hierarchical object structures on any modern web browser.
A flexible, powerful, and easy to use rolling incremental backup system that pushes collated, compressed, and encrypted data to online cloud storage services. MIT or LGPL.
An open source, extensible, self-hosted cloud storage API. The base server implements a complete file system similar to Amazon Cloud Drive, B2 Cloud Storage and other providers. MIT or LGPL.
A wonderful, lightweight, cross-platform C++ snippet library under a MIT or LGPL license.
A jQuery plugin to convert the HTML file input type into a fancy file uploader under a MIT or LGPL license. Mobile-friendly too!
A complete, robust command-line utility to construct calls to the MessageBox() and MessageBeep() Windows APIs. Released under a MIT or LGPL license.