Adding two properties `normalAttributes`, and `selectedAttributes` for `LabelSegment`, so that it can display, for example, underlined text when being selected. usage: ``` let attr = [NSAttributedString.Key.underlineStyle: 1] control3.segments = LabelSegment.segments(...
In native iOS we can set `preferredIOBufferDuration`: ``` let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() let preferredIOBufferDuration: TimeInterval = 1.0 / audioSession.sampleRate * Double(self.BUFFER_SIZE) try audioSession.setPreferredIOBufferDuration(Double(preferredIOBufferDuration)) ``` Do we have an interface in...
I am streaming RTSP live videos using `--rtsp-tcp` on iOS device, the version for flutter_vlc_player is `7.2.0` My code looks like this: ``` final VlcPlayerController _videoPlayerController = VlcPlayerController.network( myRTSPURL, hwAcc:...
Android Studio: Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Flutter SDK: 3.10.6 wifi_iot: ^0.3.18+1 network_info_plus: ^4.0.2 Android Phone: Pixel 3a, Android 12 android/app/src/main/AndroidManifes.xml ```xml ``` code snippet: ```Dart const ssid = 'IGD-MY-IOT-SSID'; WiFiForIoTPlugin.connect(ssid, withInternet:...
I performed a simple offer/answer process for the peer connection. The video can be seen on Android devices/emulators, but it is not shown on iOS devices/simulators. Here are my environment,...
Hi @felangel I am trying to use mason to generate code, following the README.md I got this error: ``` mason make flutter_bloc_feature --name counter --type bloc --style basic The current...