Chris Tucker
Chris Tucker
Fixes #5 by checking for an undefined content-type header in the response before accessing it.
Added support for json-like media types that use the [+json]( suffix, such as `application/problem+json` or `application/hal+json`. * Schemas are now generated for request and response bodies when the content type...
Request bodies are incorrectly added to the Swagger spec when no headers are included in the request
1. Make a `POST` request which includes body data, but does not include a `content-type` header. ```api2swagger -X POST -e -o ./testSwagger.json -d '{\"test\":\"test\"}'``` 2. Note that the outputted...
Not all input/output is being sanitized, making the API vulnerable to XSS and SQL injection attacks 1. XSS The `error` function in `` does not encode the `$message` parameter before...
Adding `Cache-Control` headers to responses from the API would allow most clients to automatically take advantage of caching, improving client performance and reducing load on the API server and database....