Cristiano Torti
Cristiano Torti
@nwschurink and @SouthAmericaB , Thanks to Niels for your suggestions to convert the deformation field to a numpy array, or to write the image to disk. I tried both and...
Hi all, I've gone through quite a painful process to finally get a deformation file exported. But unfortunately the entries are all zero. I initially performed a registration in Anaconda...
Hi Kasper, Thanks for your support. I've attached one such file. [elastix_20200506_0843.log]( I've more recently switched to a simpler problem: Trying to register an MR to MR image where the...
Thanks for the suggestion Kasper. Unfortunately the same error persists: `# Read in the 3D stack of Fixed DICOMs:` `FixedReader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader()` `FixedNames = FixedReader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(FixedDir)` `FixedReader.SetFileNames(FixedNames)` `FixedIm = FixedReader.Execute()` `#...
Hi Kasper, Thanks for your support. I was only parsing the OutputPoint values. I've not been able to make much sense of the index values (InputIndex, OutputIndexFixed, OutputIndexMoving) since the...
@iperper Thanks for the guidance. I have provided the optional args `camera_mode` and `image_options` to `reconstruction.main` as above. And while I can vary the values for `camera_mode` and `camera_model` and...
@iperper Thanks very much for your support. Setting `ba_refine_focal_length` and `ba_refine_extra_params` to False has done the trick!
If anyone is interested, a work-around is to configure VSCode to automatically install the required packages for all remote SSH connections. This can be done by editing the settings.json file...