Abid Maqbool

Results 16 issues of Abid Maqbool

Usually when text field changed, dropdown JFXAutoList is opened e.g. text changedListerner! Is there any simple trick to disable this behaviors, but only show JFXAutoLIst when text changed by keyboard...

Natives support of IOS and Android is exists there. In a same why any chances of native support of **Huawei and Windows mobile phone**?


[javafx8 branch](https://github.com/JPro-one/HelloJPro/tree/javafx8) is not working fine, because dependency path is missing Logs: ``` JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_192" cd D:\HelloJPro; D:\Programs\gradle-5.6.4-all\bin\gradle.bat -a --configure-on-demand -w -x check clean jproRun Configuration on demand is an...

As still some of major Java libraries are not yet fully ready for GrallVM native image feature, so Can I make Android Apk without GrallVM? E.g. One of my major...

Currently gluonfx-maven-pluign depends upon javafx plugin. How we can use it without the need of javafx plugin? As we are using `zulu17.34.19-ca-fx-jdk17.0.3-win_x64` with have inbuild javafx libs, how to use...

**Navtive Apk** generated by `gluonfx` plugin e.g. `mvn clean -Pandroid gluonfx:build gluonfx:package` is much heavy in weigh then old `javafx-mobile-plugins`'s Apk e.g. `clean apkRelease` with almost same codding. **Note:** New...

I am working on a project which was using old `javafxmobile-plugin` & gradle. Now try to convert it to `gluonfx-maven-plugin`. All steps are fine until e.g. `mvn clean -Pandroid gluonfx:build...

Draw.io desktop windows : 20.2.3 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10474725/187033103-5f05ac26-b424-487f-a568-e18ae2f4e4d4.png) When Title bar is collapsed, Window can't be moved using mouse drag & drop.

Hi! I am try to do Development & extending the functionality of nice CleverNote theme! Timimi Docs is also using CleverNote theme, but I cna't find anywhere CleverNote tidllywiki project...

Hi devs! There are two very **nice features** in Scene Builder e.g. `View as Rule` and `View as Text`. But from Scene Builder 11 and above it's not working as...
