Clay McPeak

Results 5 comments of Clay McPeak

`13:28:40 13:28:40 > [email protected] install /root/app/node_modules/keytar 13:28:40 > prebuild-install || npm run build 13:28:40 13:28:40 prebuild-install info begin Prebuild-install version 6.1.4 13:28:40 prebuild-install info looking for local prebuild @ prebuilds/keytar-v7.7.0-napi-v3-linux-x64.tar.gz...

This can be changed to a documentation request. Upon further research and testing. Support for TLS connections are present. But the pattern redis:// portion is different. Which in hindsight makes...

Actually it appears that this is still an issue for Learning Locker. Using the exact same connection string as was used in xAPI deployment, the connection fails when attempting to...

Update... Did some more troubleshooting. It looks like this can connect initially... REDIS_URL=rediss://:[email protected]:6380 Note the missing /0 , But the connection is eventually reset. Error when /0 is at the...

Additional Indexes for Personas: db.personas.createIndex({"createdAt":-1,"_id":1}); db.personas.createIndex({"name":1,"_id":1})