Charles Tapley Hoyt

Results 421 comments of Charles Tapley Hoyt

@akshat998 thanks for the feedback. I guess you mean that you will take care of it after you make some improvements? Otherwise I'd be happy to send a PR

TBH, I've lost interest. I was bummed to see so much advertisement about stoned-selfies without more attention payed to packaging and reproducibility earlier on :/

I'm doing similar things to Daniel - dual license code under MIT (typically, sometimes BSD-3-clause) and data under CC0. Here's example text I used in Biomappings:

We are only two ontologies away from being done with my initial list! HPO needs some more hand-holding, and ChEBI will be possible if we can decide to push through...

> I need some methodological help here, how I can weigh the arguments of @hoganwr on #148 ("universal or near universal substitutabilty") against yours "useful for X, eg Chebi"? I...

This has come up many times and I have just spent some more time thinking about this. There are a few possible solutions: 1. Simply change the `uri_format` in the...

if you don't know what mapping type it is, then you can use rdfs:seeAlso. If you're a bit more sure that there is something going on, then skos:relatedMatch is the...

> Currently blocked by Evaluator.evaluate receiving multiple kwargs (including additional_filter_triples) to be passed to evaluate, which are not supported by the OGB evaluate method. @mberr is this still true?

I am still skeptical of making evaluation optional. I like that the pipeline does exactly one thing, and if you want to roll your own with different functionality, there is...

I think the main blocker is waiting on one of the core team to get a computer with Apple silicon or to see if there’s a way to set up...