Cassandra Targett
Cassandra Targett
@deepdoradla Did you add the jar? From the hive prompt: `ADD JAR solr-hive-serde-3.0.0.jar;`. Also, I don't believe we've ever tested this with IF NOT EXISTS, but I would think it...
It appears you've added 2 SerDe jars, one for Hive 1.x and one only for Hive 0.13. You only need one of them. * If you're not using Hive 0.13,...
Lack of support for mixed-case field names would be a surprise to me, but I guess it's possible. Does Solr record any errors in its logs when this query is...
Can you share what you see for errors or output on either the Hive or Solr side? I don't know of any reason why TRA wouldn't be supported, but I...
The Hive SerDe has not yet been tested with Solr 7; that is planned for this Summer.