Cassandra Targett
Cassandra Targett
The Jekyll 3 to 4 upgrade is a major one and has not been done to date because it has caused failures in the past when attempted. I don't understand...
Let me build with the patch and see if I want to revise my thoughts on it. It will take me until sometime tomorrow or Thursday to have time to...
What happened in the past when I attempted to move to Jekyll 4 is that the .adoc files just simply wouldn't be converted to HTML - it would say there...
> Not sure what to do about the license though, it is generated by the tool and does not seem to be licensed in any way itself. The license and...
There are two new warnings I noticed being output with these changes: `Improper use of Lexer#lex - this method does not receive options. This will become an error in a...
+1 this looks good. I think the `solr/solr-ref-guide/README.adoc` also needs to be updated, though. This just occurred to me today, sorry to add another thing. It's really out of date...
The Solr error indicates that the schema is set to be immutable, but Solr is also configured to add fields when a document comes in that has fields that have...
Do you have the field guessing (aka Schemaless) disabled? If so, Solr should be throwing an error when it encounters unknown fields that the field in a document to be...
Hive 2 is not expected to be supported until sometime this Summer.
Sorry for the delay of a few days to get back to you. Are there any errors besides those messages? Can you also share a little bit about your environment...