
Results 10 comments of ctaepper

this silly thing is blocking us from upgrading material and angular to 14.x. we are stuck with 13.2.4 :(

+1 almost 1st birthday of this request :D

thank you for your answer @nbarrett, unfortunately I wasn't clear enough. I am already doing it the way you described. However, even though this is only one _mainstep_, it does...

yes, reading your issue, thats exactly what I want > Oh, I forgot to mention that the @step annotation is important to add as that's the thing that causes the...

of course you are right, please disregard my brainfart 🤯

my intention is to completely hide those steps. they are already "hidden" behind one single (first) step... reporting "hidden steps" would just change the wording however, considering @nbarrett's [comment](https://github.com/jan-molak/serenity-js/issues/161#issuecomment-363345136). this...

the difference here that the `@hidden` decorator would always hide this task whenever I execute it. But I selectively want to hide the task, e.g. only if it is part...

just to make my case clear: ```ts // tasks/login.ts export class Login implements Task { public static withCredentials(email: string, password: string): Login { return new Login(email, password) } constructor(private email:...

seeing this now. it could be something like `theActorCalled('User').preparesHimselfBy(...)` because semantically this is what he is doing. there could be a reporter setting to indicate wether the _preparations_ should be...