Thanks for the reply. If I want to automate the export, say, exporting the motion detected files to an Amazon S3 bucket, where should I start looking?
Anyone here got this board working with a WiFi module? I was told by a seller in taobao to use this module https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=744788471484 which is a altobeam atbm6032ls I have...
> @csvke there can be a tons of problem > > 1. AltoBeam atbm603x need **special** driver, its included to only 2 configs of OpenIPC (_BR2_PACKAGE_ATBM603X=Y_) for other boad, not...
I have the same issue that Balena Cloud dashboard shows 'Post Provisioning' on the device. I use the [Waveshare Jetson Orin Nano IO Board](https://www.waveshare.com/jetson-orin-io-base.htm) with a Jetson Orin Nano 4GB....
Is it because Balena does not support the 4GB version of Jetson Orin Nano?
> @csvke it seems that the boot process doesn't get further than MB1 and it could very likely be due to the different RAM module, as the module we test...