Results 146 comments of Jiaming Han

Re backbone can be viewed as a single module, while RiRoI Align must works with Re backbone.

Note train.txt and test.txt in HRSC2016 are .txt files recording image names without extension. For example: ``` P00001 P00002 ... ```

Please check your `.txt` result file first.

please manually remove the `.bmp` extension in your `.txt` result file. We will update related code later.



Maybe we use empty images for training. I'm not sure. Try to change the `difficult` key to `difficult=-1`. The multiscale result is not very stable since we use **random**...

Our code does not support online validation: ` --validate`. You can convert your data to DOTA's `txt` format, then you can train and test your model as DOTA.

ReDet supports cpu inference. Try to set `device='cpu'` in