Results 146 comments of Jiaming Han

Line 292: Please check the `annotation` first and make sure all `bboxes` with valid values (especially the field `angle`).

I have not meet the bug yet. Can you share your modification?

参考: 可能对你的问题有帮助: > I'd use pathos.multiprocesssing, instead of multiprocessing. pathos.multiprocessing is a fork of multiprocessing that uses dill. dill can serialize almost anything in python, so you are able to...


Yes. Our models use the standard COCO style annotation. You can transform your data to COCO's json annotation.

Since you have converted visDrone to COCO's style, I suggest to evaluate your model with COCOEval directly. But you need to convert the RBOX results to BBOX. Another way, you...

It would be normal. Check your `work_dirs/your_config_name` and you can see a folder `Transed_Task2_results_nms` after ``. The folder contains the HBB results converted from OBB.

建议查看相关的issue,如更换pytorch=1.3 cuda=10.1

s0-s1表示两个bbox head的结果。 测试与训练是分开的,参考:[]()