Colin Stryker
Colin Stryker
@RignonNoel I'm the developer at CodeStream that has implemented a lot of our integrations. We agree 100% with your statement that assisting you with this would be a great way...
Hey, so this project will take both server-side and client-side changes. After some discussion internally, I think it's going to be difficult to support server-side development at this point. At...
Hey @RignonNoel ... just checking in with you to see if you have any thoughts on my response. I'd definitely like to support you as best as I can in...
Hey @RignonNoel ... our DevOps guy actually put together a pretty good document with instructions to run CodeStream's backend services for development ... it's pretty easy actually. So if you're...
I created a new CodeStream team for us to collaborate on this, as needed, and sent you an invite to your public github email. If you'd prefer me to use...
@RignonNoel Just FYI, the support for developing backend services for CodeStream has now been merged into our develop branch (but not yet to master, which is our release branch).
@RignonNoel did you ever get started on this?
Let's not bother to do this except to the new API server ... agreed?