See output below. Trying to upgrade all php packages with "pkg upgrade" using a glob, but it's also trying to install what appears to be ALL packages that start with...
What am I doing wrong? Server meiko is getting some traffic for the hostname thumbs even tho it is set as down as admin state. This is a new server...
I have a mac chrome user who when entering text into the editor it appears to disappear (see attached video). https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1218445/173471977-69859a05-a0dc-4eaf-875d-6e934985e301.mp4 When view is switched to editor view it shows...
I need a number validator(for a [size] tag). I would be very nice to be able to do a simple `setOptionValidator('is_numeric');` rather than having to wrap is_numeric() inside a class...
Somewhat related to #40 Links and images can not be used with [Protocol-relative URLs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_locator#Protocol-relative_URLs) because FILTER_VALIDATE_URL is too strict. "JavaScript:alert()" style URLs also will not work for this reason, tho...
See Issue #76
My database has a huge number of users -- couple hundred thousand (most do not have special permissions). The current pagination based system doesn't cut it, I need filters to...
The link in the video here gives a 404 error. Please update link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlDhp-eNLMU
````root@ai:/home/cstdenis/manager/home # appjail quick manager alias ip4="igb0|xx.xx.xx.xx" pkg="pico-alpine" resolv_conf type="thick" start linuxfs overwrite [00:00:00] [ debug ] [manager] quick parameters: alias ip4=igb0|xx.xx.xx.xx pkg=pico-alpine resolv_conf type=thick start linuxfs overwrite [00:00:01] [...
Why does my fstab look like this? Way too much escapes cat "/usr/local/appjail/jails/manager/conf/fstab" `\144\145\166\146\163 \57\165\163\162\57\154\157\143\141\154\57\141\160\160\152\141\151\154\57\152\141\151\154\163\57\155\141\156\141\147\145\162\57\152\141\151\154\57\57\144\145\166 devfs rw,ruleset=5 0 0 \164\155\160\146\163 \57\165\163\162\57\154\157\143\141\154\57\141\160\160\152\141\151\154\57\152\141\151\154\163\57\155\141\156\141\147\145\162\57\152\141\151\154\57\57\144\145\166\57\163\150\155 tmpfs rw,size=1g,mode=1777 0 0 \146\144\145\163\143\146\163 \57\165\163\162\57\154\157\143\141\154\57\141\160\160\152\141\151\154\57\152\141\151\154\163\57\155\141\156\141\147\145\162\57\152\141\151\154\57\57\144\145\166\57\146\144 fdescfs rw,linrdlnk 0...