@frenk196 this might help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50330825/sapper-and-svelte-scroller-example or you can keep the configs as they are and see this line in server.config.js ``` externals: Object.keys(pkg.dependencies), ``` it excludes all your dependencies from...
any update on this? am getting the same error "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Piwik\Plugins\ClickHeat\ClickHeat" am using 2.16.1. @piwikjapan やまちゃんお願いします 🙇
Sure, so given a stylesheet like this that has duplicates of .button-component: ``` .button-component{ background-color: red } .make-me-blue{ background-color: blue;} .button-component{ background-color: red } .button-component{ background-color: red } ``` currently...
Issue occurs here https://github.com/cssnano/cssnano/blob/master/packages/postcss-discard-duplicates/src/index.js#L119 changing this to last.remove() rather than node.remove() gives the desired result of the first occurring selector being kept and not the last. hope that makes sense.
The extra paragraph seems to be a general markdown2 thing which also has ongoing discussion: https://github.com/michelf/php-markdown/issues/230 Maybe Eleventy/webc should filter out any wrapped p tags as part of {%renderTemplate "webc"...
At the moment the workaround for this is to just do this instead ``` ``` and then when you're consuming it ``` I am a paragraph wrapped in some other...
in v0.90 you can do the following to pass dynamic props down levels which is awesome! But I still can't figure out how to do the same for slot content....
referencing this here as it may help others try and understand what I'm on about https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/790 also having a crack at this myself to see how far I can get.
I've been messing around with this for a little bit off and on. And I have something that will stop the heap error from occurring, which I guess fixes the...
> ``` > > ``` > > Returns `:host {}` in the CSS bundle. Would we also be able to link stylesheets as scoped? ``