Sudhakar Reddy
Sudhakar Reddy
I just tried with master branch with node `v0.10.33` and worked fine for me. Based on the initial error message, it appears that you may not have installed bower packages....
can you try the suggestion made on this issue ?
I'm currently using it for building an angular2 internal app in my company. Tried many other alternatives, but they were very complex and hard to understand. Your seed starter is...
I'm facing the same issue. Happens everyday during log rotation, sometimes it crashes the app even in cluster mode. Weirdly the process runners (pm2/forever) do not even know that the...
I ended up moving log rotation to linux logrotate utility Here's the config I used in case you're interested. Rotates logs every day and retains for 7 days config location:...
I did use the flags suggested in that issue but did not help. I also tried running with pup2.1.1 branch but I'm running into different error which seems to be...
Thanks. Yes, it does not seem to download automatically which is a bummer. Error: ` "Browser is not downloaded. Try running pyppeteer2-install"`
Finally I was able to run pyppeteer(v0.2.2) with Python 3.6 and 3.7 (not 3.8) after I bundled chromium binary in a lambda layer. So in summary, it appears to work...
@obeleh could you please share the .so files with me? or point me to link where I can download from.
I would like to contribute as well. Not sure how to setup the project as I'm new to Python projects but comfortable with Python language. It would be great if...